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China's first large-scale gas field of 100 billion cubic meters in Bohai Bay put into operation

The reporter learned that the Bozhong 19-6 gas field is one of the important achievements of CNOOC to increase domestic oil and gas exploration and development. In February 2019, the company announced the discovery of the Bozhong 19-6 condensate gas field in the central Bohai Sea, 175 kilometers away from Tianjin. The CNOOC exploration team successfully completed natural gas field evaluations through innovation in geological theory, technological breakthroughs, and management improvement. As of the end of 2019, the Bozhong 19-6 gas field has proven geological reserves of 180 million cubic meters of oil and 171.2 billion cubic meters of proven natural gas reserves, which can be used by residents of cities with millions of people for hundreds of years after being put into production.

In the previous exploration process, CNOOC has successively overcome five world-class problems such as how to generate large-scale gas in oil-based basins and whether there are large-scale high-quality reservoirs in deep metamorphic rock buried hills, forming a large-scale deep-seated condensate in the Bohai Bay Basin. Gas field exploration theory and technology. With the support of this theoretical and technological achievement, it successfully drilled the Bozhong 19-6 large gas field, and this theoretical and technological achievement won the first prize of the 2019 National Science and Technology Progress Award.

According to reports, the Bozhong 19-6 gas field is one of the "major issues for the construction of the national natural gas production, supply, storage and marketing system." In order to achieve production as soon as possible, CNOOC has adopted the overall development strategy of "overall deployment, phased development, and test first".

A total of 7 production wells and 1 water source well are arranged in the Bozhong 19-6 gas field test area completed and put into production this time. The average depth of the production wells is more than 5170 meters, setting a record for the development of the Bohai Oilfield. The gas field development project team has overcome many difficulties such as high temperature and high pressure in the formation, deep gas reservoir burial, and complex geological environmental conditions. From exploration and development to engineering construction, the "fast forward button" has been pressed all the way to prevent and control the epidemic, while advancing steadily The construction of the Bozhong 19-6 experimental zone development project has laid a solid foundation for the subsequent overall development of the gas field.

CNOOC Chairman Wang Dongjin said that the exploration and development of the Bozhong 19-6 gas field is one of the important achievements of CNOOC in emancipating its mind and changing its thinking in the exploration field. The company will continue to play its leading role in exploration, focusing on the search for large and medium-sized oil and gas fields, vigorously increase domestic oil and gas exploration and development efforts, and strive to obtain more new oil and gas discoveries, making important contributions to promoting the high-quality development of my country's offshore oil industry and ensuring national energy security.

China National Offshore Oil Corporation(CNOOC) announced that China’s Bohai Bay’s first large gas field of 100 billion cubic meters, the Bozhong 19-6 Gas Field Experimental Zone Development Project, was officially put into operation.